Alterations of alpha fetoprotein and some liver enzymes, in HIV patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy at Federal Medical Centre, Owerri
Aim: This study is therefore aimed at evaluating the serum level of alpha fetoprotein and liver enzymes in HIV patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy at Federal Medical Centre, Owerri. Materials and method: A total of one hundred and fifty subjects which comprised 50 HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy, 50 HIV patients not yet on antiretroviral therapy and 50 healthy subjects as control were used in the study. The liver enzymes and alpha fetoprotein serum levels were determined using colorimetric end-point method and ELISA technique, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed on Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) windows version 20.0.Test of significance was determined using the student’s t-test and the statistical significance was set up at p<0.05.Results:. Results obtained showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in alpha fetoprotein (4.64±4.42ng/ml), Aspartate aminotransferase (13.3±8.10iu/L), Alanine Aminotransferase (7.58±3.56iu/L) and alkaline phosphatase (68.73±54.95iu/L) of the HIV positive patients when compared with to their controls (1.43±1.53ng/ml), (5.75±3.03iu/L), (3.85±2.33iu/L) (25.9±9.17iu/L) respectively. There were no significant difference (P>0.05) in the mean value of the alpha fetoprotein of those already in ART (5.91±5.60ng/ml) when compared with the mean value seen in those not on the therapy (3.36±2.10ng/ml). Also, when compared according to duration of therapy, a significant increase was seen at P>0.05 in all the parameters. This study inferred that long time use of these antiretrovirals has a damaging effect on the liver but can't possibly cause hepatocellular carcinoma except in the presence of other risk factors. Thus, the intake of the drug should be strictly under the doctor's prescription and monitoring.
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