- The Editor(s) welcome the submission of manuscripts for publication in this journal. Topics are to be consistent with information sciences, natural sciences, business, economics, management, mathematics and computer science.
- Manuscripts are invited from academicians, research students, and scientists for publication consideration. Papers are accepted for editorial consideration through email– with the understanding that they have not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.
- Manuscripts submitted for publication are to be in English.
- Manuscripts are to be submitted in electronic format. Receipt of all submissions will be promptly acknowledged by e-mail.
- Each valid manuscript will then be forwarded in confidence to selected reviewers to assess editorial acceptance for publication. Authors may also submit the names of possible reviewers who could then be approached for their assistance.
- All manuscripts undergoing confidential review will be judged on the relevance of their content, brevity and clarity of presentation, validity of methodology used and conclusions made, accuracy in data, analysis, and literature citations.
- Manuscript Preparation:
Publication of any article/ manuscript in Scitech Research Journals requires strict conformance to the paper template. However, initial submission of an article or manuscript for review need not be compliant with the template. Once the paper is selected, the authors will be asked to submit the final version of the article/ manuscript that will be published in the Scitech Research Journals while submitting the final copy, the authors must take extreme care so that the paper strictly conform with the prescribed template of journal. The paper template can be downloaded from from this link.
8. On request, intending authors will receive the Journal guidelines on manuscript preparation. The guidelines will also be ordinarily available on the Journal’s website.
For any query and help contact us at editorial@scitecresearch.com.